* Important Announcements *
The pediatric medical field is under a lot of stress at the moment. COVID has changed the way schools deal with children that present with cough & cold symptoms. This has caused a high volume of sick patients that are needing to be checked by a medical professional. In order for our medical providers to uphold a high quality of care, they need to see a reasonable amount of patients. If not it becomes a safety issue that puts patients at risk. For this reason there is a maximum capacity, number of patients each provider can see. We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for patience during this time. Currently, we will not be taking walk-ins, but we will create a standby list to try to accommodate those that we could not place on the day’s schedule.
As a courtesy, if unable to make your appointment please call and cancel to give others the opportunity to be seen.
* Night Clinic *
Effective September 22, 2022
We will begin to give same day sick call-in appointments to our established patients needing to be seen during our night clinic hours of Monday through Friday 5p to 9p to help alleviate wait times.
For our Saturday clinic, starting September 24, 2022, you may schedule an appointment the Friday before during night clinic hours of 5p-9p.
Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines available
Age: 6 months- 4 years
1st dose
2nd dose
3-8 weeks after 1st dose
3rd dose
at least 8 weeks after 2nd dose
Age: 5-11 years
1st dose
2nd dose
3-8 weeks after 1st dose
at least 5 months after 2nd dose
Age: 12 years +
1st dose
2nd dose
3-8 weeks after 1st dose
3rd dose
at least 2 months after 2nd dose or last booster

Call our office today to schedule an appointment
Flu Vaccines available
Flu vaccines for the 2022-2023 flu season are currently available for both our patients and their parents
Flu vaccines are available starting at 6 months of age
Our response to COVID-19

Help us slow down the spread of this virus in our community. If your child has symptoms such as a new cough, fever, or shortness of breath, call before coming to the clinic
* Due to the current situation only 1 caregiver may accompany patient until further notice. No exceptions
As of May 1st 2020 the lockdown in the state of Texas is lifted, we at Advanced Kids Care will continue our efforts to protect you, your families, and ourselves. We would like to let everyone know of our current COVId-19 protocols​
Don't skip your child's well child visit: Delays in vaccination could add up to big problems
What are we doing at AKC to protect you?​
We wear a mask, you wear a mask
Extra sanitation after each visit
Wait in your vehicle, not in the lobby